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Procedural documentation for DSFinV-K generation

DSFinV-K export

The fiskaltrust.Middleware is able to automatically generate a DSFinV-K export, either via the journal endpoint (locally) or in the cloud (when a POS Archive was purchased). Based on the version 2.3 of the DSFinV-K specification, this chapter explains how the DSFinV-K export is structured, shows how the previously described input values are mapped by fiskaltrust to the files and data of the DSFinV-K export and defines how additional, for the DSFInV-K required, values can be sent to the ft.Middleware. Furthermore, it describes how the marking of actions (DE: Vorgänge) can be made by connecting business actions (DE: Geschäftsvorfälle) and other procedures, occurrences and events (DE: Andere Vorgänge).


A daily-closing-receipt must be sent at the end of the day for the fiskaltrust.Middleware to be able to generate the DSFinV-K export. Without the daily-closing-receipts the DSFinV-K export will be empty. A detailed description of the daily-closing-receipt can be found in our postman collection: Daily-Closing-Receipt


The DSFinV-K export is divided into the following sections/modules:

  • Single recordings module (DE: Einzelaufzeichnungsmodul)
  • Master data module (DE: Stammdatenmodul)
  • Cashpoint closing module (DE: Kassenabschlussmodul)

Each module consists of several files. In the following, we will look at the individual modules, especially the files and data content. Details about the meaning of the files and their individual fields can be found in the official DSFinV-K specification.

Mandatory data

This chapter lists the data fields that are mandatory and have to be provided by the cashpoint. For details on how to provide them, please see the chapters below. They offer information for all DSFinV-K fields.

BON_IDSingle recordingsAction-ID (DE: Vorgangs-ID)
POS_TERMINAL_IDSingle recordingsID of the slave (terminal) where the position (line) comes from. Removed as of new DSFinV-K 2.3 regulations
ART_NRSingle recordingsArticle number.
INHAUSSingle recordingsInhouse consumption
GTINSingle recordingsGlobal Trade Item Number.
WARENGRSingle recordingsProduct group name.
MENGESingle recordingsQuantity.
FAKTORSingle recordingsFactor, e.g. container size.
EINHEITSingle recordingsUnit of measurement, e.g. kg.
STK_BRSingle recordingsPrice per unit incl. VAT.
BON_NAMESingle recordingsThe BON_NAME is used to subdivide further the items contained in the transaction category (BON_TYP). The BON_NAME must be filled if BON_TYP is AVSonstige.
TERMINAL_IDSingle recordingsID of the terminal that was used to record this receipt. Removed as of new DSFinV-K 2.3 regulations
BEDIENER_NAMESingle recordingsUser name
AGENTUR_IDSingle recordingsID of the agency, only mandatory if agency business (DE: Agenturgeschäft)
KUNDE_NAMESingle recordingsFull name of the beneficiary customer. Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146
KUNDE_IDSingle recordingsID of the beneficiary customer. Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146
KUNDE_TYPSingle recordingsType of the beneficiary customer (e.g. employee). Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146
KUNDE_STRASSESingle recordingsStreet and house number of the beneficiary customer. Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146
KUNDE_PLZSingle recordingsZip of the beneficiary customer. Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146
KUNDE_ORTSingle recordingsCity of the beneficiary customer. Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146
KUNDE_LANDSingle recordingsCountry of the beneficiary customer. Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146
KUNDE_USTIDSingle recordingsVAT-ID of the beneficiary customer. Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146
ABRECHNUNGSKREISSingle recordingsConnection criterion of the assignment.
ZAHLWAEH_CODESingle recordingsForeign currency code. Only mandatory if foreign currency was used for the payment.
ZAHLWAEH_BETRAGSingle recordingsAmount in foreign currency. Only mandatory if foreign currency was used for the payment.

The following chapters give you an overview of all DSFinV-K fields, provide you information on how they are filled by fiskaltrust and how you can send additional data to fill mandatory (listed above) and optional fields that can not be filled by fiskaltrust.

Single recordings module (DE: Einzelaufzeichnungsmodul)

The single recordings provide the basis for data storage. These are divided into two main areas:

  • Bonpos (lines.csv)
  • Bonkopf (transactions.csv)

In addition to these two files, there are further detail files which are listed below.

File: Bonpos (lines.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
BON_IDAction-IDString (40)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptIdentification)
POS_ZEILELine/Position numberString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
GUTSCHEIN_NRVoucher no.String (50)Optional, can be sent via ftPayItemCaseData or ftChargeItemCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair VoucherNr e.g. "ftPayItemCaseData":"{ ..., "VoucherNr":"UAUA91829182HH", ... }"
ARTIKELTEXTProduct/Article textString (255)Optional, to send, please fill cbChargeItem.Description
POS_TERMINAL_IDTerminal-ID of this line (position)String (50)Can be sent via ftChargeItemCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair TerminalId e.g. "ftChargeItemCaseData":"{ ..., "TerminalId":"09839839", ... }" cbTerminalID. If not sent, then cbTerminalId will be used by fiskaltrust to fill the field. Removed as of new DSFinV-K 2.3 regulations
GV_TYPType of business actionString (30)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust. Deducted from ftChargeItemCase.
GV_NAMEAddition to the business action typeString (40)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust. Depending on ftChargeItemId or ftPayItemId
INHAUSInhouse consumption0 or 1Mandatory, can be set via flag of the charge item.
P_STORNOPosition cancellation identificationStringNot supported
AGENTUR_IDID of the AgencyIntegerMandatory if agency business (DE: Agenturgeschäft). Please send via ftChargeItemCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair AgencyId e.g. "ftChargeItemCaseData":"{ ..., "AgencyId": "73c94a68-c329-4d82-a8e4-d48903791922", ... }" (the ID can be taken from the Portal's Agency management page)
ART_NRArticle numberString (50)Mandatory, to send please fill ftChargeItem.ProductNumber
GTINGlobal Trade Item NumberString (50)Mandatory if an article, to send please fill ftChargeItem.ProductBarcode
WARENGR_IDProduct group IDString (40)Optional. To send, please add the key value pair ProductGroupId to the ChargeItem (e.g. "ftChargeItemCaseData":"{ ..., "ProductGroupId":192, ... }") or MoneyGroupId to the payitem (e.g. "ftPayItemCaseData":"{ ..., "MoneyGroupId":192, ... }"). If not sent, the fiskaltrust.Middleware will automatically generate an ID (CRC32 hash) deducted from ftChargeItem.ProductGroup or ftPayItem.MoneyGroup
WARENGRName of the product groupString (50)Mandatory, please send via ftChargeItem.ProductGroup
MENGEQuantityDecimal (3)Mandatory, please send via ftChargeItem.Quantity
FAKTORfactor, e.g. container sizeDecimal (3)Mandatory, please send via ftChargeItem.UnitQuantity
EINHEITUnit of measurement, e.g. kg, litres or piecesStringMandatory, please send via ftChargeItem.Unit
STK_BRPrice per unit incl. VATDecimal (5)Mandatory, please send via ftChargeItem.UnitPrice

File: Bonpos_USt (lines_vat.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
BON_IDAction-IDString (40)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptIdentification)
POS_ZEILELine/Position numberString (50)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
UST_SCHLUESSELID of the VAT rateIntegerAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust depending on the ftChargeItemCase
POS_BRUTTOGross salesDecimal (5)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust from ftChargeItemCase.Amount
POS_NETTONet salesDecimal (5)Automatically calculated and filled by fiskaltrust depending on ftChargeItemCase and ftChargeItemCase.Amount
POS_USTVATDecimal (5)Automatically calculated and filled by fiskaltrust depending on ftChargeItemCase

File: Bonpos_Preisfindung (itemamounts.csv)

fiskaltrust does currently not support the file Bonpos_Preisfindung.

According to the DSFinV-K specification, in the data field STK_BR in the Bonpos file, either the reduced amount is displayed immediately (and the origin of the amount in the file Bonpos_Preisfindung) or the reduction in charges is displayed as a separate line item with negative amounts (with correct tax assignment; see file Bonpos_USt). The GV_TYP "Rabatt" is available for the separate line. For the reduction in charges, the current version of the fiskaltrust.Middleware expects a separate negative ftChargeItem with the corresponding ftChargeItemCase (e.g. 0x4445000000000031) which maps to the GV_TYP "Rabatt".

File: Bonpos_Zusatzinfo (subitems.csv)

This table allows to detail the composition of sold combinations of goods (DE: Warenzusammenstellungen). They serve exclusively as an explanation.

This does not affect the basis of assessment for VAT. In the case of goods combinations with different tax rates, however, information is stored here, which serves to control the distribution of the VAT assessment basis (for example, Inhouse breakfast menu consisting of a coffee, a drink and buffet meal). In addition, orders deviating from the standard order can be taken into account to record the actual consumption of goods (for example, french fries instead of rice).

You can send those subitems to the fiskaltrust.Middleware via ftChargeItemCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair SubItems as an array of subitems:

"ftChargeItemCaseData" : "{ 
"SubItems" : [
{ ... },
{ ... },

Each subitem is described in the table below:

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
BON_IDAction-IDString (40)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptIdentification)
POS_ZEILELine/Position numberString (50)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
ZI_ART_NRArticle numberString (50)To send, add the key value pair ProductNumber within the subitem. e.g. "SubItems":"[{ "ProductNumber":"10292", ... }, ... ]
ZI_GTINGTINStringTo send, add the key value pair GTIN within the subitem. e.g. "SubItems":"[{ "ProductNumber":"10292", "GTIN":"4231234266622", ... }, ... ]
ZI_NAMEArticle nameString (60)To send, add the key value pair Description within the subitem. e.g. "SubItems":"[{ "ProductNumber":"10292", "Description":"4231234266622", ... }, ... ]
ZI_WARENGR_IDProduct group IDString (40)To send, add the key value pair ProductGroup within the subitem. It should be sent as a JSON composed of the key value pairs ProductGroupId and ProductGroupName e.g. "SubItems":"[{ ..., "ProductGroup":"{ "ProductGroupId":"981981AA", "ProductGroupName":"Fleischwaren" }", ... }, ... ]. If only ProductGroupName is filled, fiskaltrust will automatically fill ZI_WARENGR_ID by creating a hash from ProductGroupName.
ZI_WARENGRName of the product groupString (50)Similar to ZI_WARENGR_ID, use SubItem.ProductGroup.ProductGroupName
ZI_MENGEQuantityDecimal (3)To send, add the key value pair Quantity within the subitem. e.g. "SubItems":"[{..., "Quantity":2.543, ... }, ... ]
ZI_FAKTORfactor, e.g. container sizesDecimal (3)To send, add the key value pair UnitQuantity within the subitem. e.g. "SubItems":"[{ ..., "UnitQuantity":1.0, ... }, ... ]
ZI_EINHEITUnit of measurement, e.g. kg, litres or piecesString (50)To send, add the key value pair Unit within the subitem. e.g. "SubItems":"[{ ..., "Unit":"kg", ... }, ... ]
ZI_UST_SCHLUESSELID of VAT rate for the base priceIntegerTo send, add the key value pair ftSubChargeItemCase within the subitem. e.g. "SubItems":"[{..., "ftSubChargeItemCase":"4919338167972134929", ... }, ... ]. Possible values for ftSubChargeItemCase are the same as for ftChargeItemCase - as described in the reference table above. If ftSubChargeItemCase is not set, the parent item's ftChargeItemCase will be used to compute this value.
ZI_BASISPREIS_BRUTTOGross basis priceDecimal (5)To send, add the key value pair Amount within the subitem. e.g. "SubItems":"[{..., "Amount":22.50, ... }, ... ]
ZI_BASISPREIS_NETTONet basis priceDecimal (5)Automatically calculated by fiskaltrust from ftSubChargeItemCase and (subitem) Amount
ZI_BASISPREIS_USTBasis VATDecimal (5)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust depending on ftSubChargeItemCase

File: Bonkopf (transactions.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
BON_IDAction-IDString (40)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptIdentification)
BON_NRReceipt numberLongAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptNumerator)
BON_TYPReceipt type / action typeString (30)Deducted from ftReceiptCase
BON_NAMEAdditional description related to the BON_TYPString (60)Mandatory if BON_TYPE is "AVSonstige", otherwise optional, can be sent via ftReceiptCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair ReceiptName e.g. "ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ReceiptName":"Sonstige Sonderwurst", ... }"
TERMINAL_IDMandatory, ID of the terminal that was used to record this receiptString (50)cbTerminalID Removed as of new DSFinV-K 2.3 regulations
BON_STORNOCancellation indicator0 or 1Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
BON_STARTTime of the action startISO 8601 and RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust
BON_ENDETime of the action endISO 8601 and RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust.
BEDIENER_IDUser-IDString (50)Optional. To send, please add the key value pair UserId e.g. "ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "UserId": "U192", ... }". If not sent, the fiskaltrust will automatically generate a User-ID (hash) deducted from cbUser
BEDIENER_NAMEUser nameString (50)Mandatory, please send via cbUser
UMS_BRUTTOGross total turnoverDecimal (2)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
KUNDE_NAMEName of beneficiary customerString (50)Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146. Send via cbCustomer in JSON format by adding the key value pair CustomerName e.g. "cbCustomer":"{"CustomerName":"Max Wanne",...}"
KUNDE_IDID of the beneficiary customerString (50)Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146. Send via cbCustomer in JSON format by adding the key value pair CustomerId e.g. "cbCustomer":"{"customerName":"Max Mustermann", "CustomerId":"PX9819822", ...}"
KUNDE_TYPType of the beneficiary customer (e.g. employee)String (50)Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146. Send via cbCustomer in JSON format by adding the key value pair CustomerType e.g. "cbCustomer":"{..., "CustomerId":"PX9819822", "CustomerType":"Mitarbeiter", ...}"
KUNDE_STRASSEStreet and house number of the beneficiary customerString (60)Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146. Send via cbCustomer in JSON format by adding the key value pair CustomerStreet e.g. "cbCustomer":"{..., "CustomerStreet":"Lindwurmstr. 98", ...}"
KUNDE_PLZZip of the beneficiary customerString (10)Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146. Send via cbCustomer in JSON format by adding the key value pair CustomerZip e.g. "cbCustomer":"{..., "CustomerZip":"80337", ...}"
KUNDE_ORTCity of the beneficiary customerString (62)Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146. Send via cbCustomer in JSON format by adding the key value pair CustomerCity e.g. "cbCustomer":"{..., "CustomerCity":"München", ...}"
KUNDE_LANDCountry of the beneficiary customerISO 3166 ALPHA-3 country codeMandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146. Send via cbCustomer in JSON format by adding the key value pair CustomerCountry e.g. "cbCustomer":"{..., "CustomerCountry":"DEU", ...}"
KUNDE_USTIDVAT-ID of the beneficiary customerString (15)Mandatory if available. See also AEAO to § 146. Send via cbCustomer in JSON format by adding the key value pair CustomerVATId e.g. "cbCustomer":"{..., "CustomerVATId":"DE123456789", ...}"
BON_NOTIZAdditional information on the receipt headerString (255)Optional, can be sent via ftReceiptCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair ReceiptNote e.g. "ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "ReceiptNote":"123, ich bin dabei!", ... }"

File: Bonkopf_USt (transactions_vat.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
BON_IDAction-IDString (40)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptIdentification)
POS_ZEILELine/Position numberString (50)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
UST_SCHLUESSELID of the VAT rateIntegerAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust
BON_BRUTTOGross salesDecimal (5)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
BON_NETTONet salesDecimal (5)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
BON_USTVATDecimal (5)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust

File: Bonkopf_AbrKreis (allocation_groups.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
BON_IDAction-IDString (40)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptIdentification)
ABRECHNUNGSKREISConnection criterion of the assignmentString (50)Mandatory, filled by fiskaltrust. by using cbReceiptReference and cPreviousReceiptReference to determine the value.

File: Bonkopf_Zahlarten (datapayment.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
BON_IDAction-IDString (40)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptIdentification)
ZAHLART_TYPType of payment methodString (25)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust. Deducted from ftPayItemCase
ZAHLART_NAMEName of the payment methodString (60)Optional, can be sent via ftPayItemCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair ItemCaseName e.g. "ftPayItemCaseData":"{ ..., "ItemCaseName":"Sodexo", ... }"
ZAHLWAEH_CODEISO 4217 currency codeString (3)Only mandatory if foreign currency was used for the payment, can be sent via ftPayItemCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair CurrencyCode e.g. "ftPayItemCaseData":"{ ..., "CurrencyCode":"USD", ... }". Only ISO 4217 currency codes are allowed.
ZAHLWAEH_BETRAGAmount in foreign currencyDecimal (2)Only mandatory if foreign currency was used for the payment, can be sent via ftPayItemCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair ForeignCurrencyAmount e.g. "ftPayItemCaseData":"{ ..., "ForeignCurrencyAmount":23.00, ... }".
BASISWAEH_BETRAGAmount in basis currency (usually EUR)Decimal (2)Only mandatory if foreign currency was used for the payment, can be sent via ftPayItemData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair BaseCurrencyAmount e.g. "ftPayItemCaseData":"{ ..., "BaseCurrencyAmount":20.99, ... }"

File: Bon_Referenzen (references.csv)

If cbPreviousReceiptReference is filled in your receipt request, fiskaltrust will automatically try to find the referenced receipt, and if found, fiskaltrust will add an entry to Bon_Referenzen.

If a previous receipt with the same cbReceiptReference exists, fiskaltrust will also automatically find the referenced receipt and add an entry to Bon_Referenzen.

For a recommendation on how to connect the single requests via cbReceiptReference and cbPreviousReceiptReference, please refer to our Postman sample collection.

If you optionally want to add additional references (from other systems or other cashpoints), you can add them by providing their data as shown below:

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
BON_IDAction-IDString (40)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptIdentification)
POS_ZEILELine number of the referencing operationString (50)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
REF_TYPType of reference"ExterneRechnung" or "ExternerLieferschein" or "Transaktion" or "ExterneSonstige"Can be sent via ftReceiptCaseData in JSON format. To send, add the key value pair RefType e.g. "ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "RefType":"Transaktion", ... }". The value "Transaktion" maps to an internal reference within this DSFinV-K export, all other values map to external references.
REF_NAMEDescription for typeString (40)If the external reference you want to add is of type (RefType) "ExterneSonstige", you must provide data for the field REF_NAME. Please send it via ftReceiptCaseData in JSON format.by adding the key value pair RefName e.g. "ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "RefName":"Sonstige Sonderwurst", ... }".
REF_DATUMDate of the cashpoint closingString (30)If the reference you want to add refers to another cashpoint and therefore is of type (RefType) "Transaktion", you must provide data for the field REF_DATUM. Please send it via ftReceiptCaseData in JSON format by adding the key value pair RefMoment e.g. "ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "RefMoment":"2020-01-03T17:00:01", ... }".
REF_Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)If the reference you want to add refers to another cashpoint and therefore is of type (RefType) "Transaktion", you must provide data for the field REF_Z_KASSE_ID. Please send it via ftReceiptCaseData in JSON format by adding the key value pair RefCashBoxIdentification e.g. "ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "RefCashBoxIdentification":"AHHAH1919919", ... }".
REF_Z_NRNo. of the cashpoint closingIntegerIf the reference you want to add refers to another cashpoint and therefore is of type (RefType) "Transaktion", you must provide data for the field REF_Z_NR. Please send it via ftReceiptCaseData in JSON format by adding the key value pair RefClosingNr e.g. "ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "RefClosingNr":1091029, ... }".
REF_BON_IDAction-IDString (40)If the reference you want to add refers to another cashpoint and therefore is of type (RefType) "Transaktion", you must provide data for the field REF_BON_ID. Please send it via ftReceiptCaseData in JSON format by adding the key value pair RefReceiptId e.g. "ftReceiptCaseData":"{ ..., "RefReceiptId":"UAUUA1112#20200211-112430", ... }".

File: TSE_Transaktionen (transactions_tse.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
BON_IDAction-IDString (40)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftReceiptIdentification)
TSE_IDID of the TSE used for the transactionIntegerAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust
TSE_TANRTransaction number of the transactionIntegerAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust
TSE_TA_STARTLog time of the StartTransaction operationString (30)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
TSE_TA_ENDELog time of the FinishTransaction operationString (30)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
TSE_TA_VORGANGSARTprocessType der FinishTransaktions operationString (30)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
TSE_TA_SIGZSignature counter of the FinishTransaction operationLongAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust
TSE_TA_SIGSignature of the FinishTransaction operationString (512)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
TSE_TA_FEHLERWhere appropriate, indications of TSE errorsString (200)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
TSE_VORGANGSDATENData of the operation (optional)StringAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust

Cashpoint closing module (DE: Kassenabschlussmodul)

The three structure levels (modules) allow transactions to be separated and grouped to be automatically posted or transferred to the bookkeeping. Therefore, the cash register closing has an accounting function, meaning that the data of the respective closing has to be exported digitally within this module.

The mandatory, audit-proof storage can be fulfilled with the fiskaltrust add-on-products (e.g. POS Archiv or AKO - Audicon Kassenarchiv Online).

The export takes place into the following three files:

File: Z_Zahlart Z_GV_TYP (businesscases.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
GV_TYPbusiness action typeString (30)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
GV_NAMEname of the business action typeString (40)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
AGENTUR_IDAgency IDIntegerAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust
UST_SCHLUESSELID of the VAT rateIntegerAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust
Z_UMS_BRUTTOGross salesDecimal (5)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
Z_UMS_NETTONet salesDecimal (5)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
Z_USTVATDecimal (5)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust

File: Z_Zahlart (payment.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
ZAHLART_TYPType of payment methodString (25)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
ZAHLART_NAMEName of the payment methodString (60)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust
Z_ZAHLART_BETRAGbusiness action typeDecimal (2)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust

File: Z_Waehrungen (cash_per_currency.csv)

FieldnameDescriptionFormatfiskaltrust input
Z_KASSE_IDID of the (closing) cashpointString (50)Automatically created and filled by fiskaltrust (ftCashBoxIdentification)
Z_ERSTELLUNGDate of the cashpoint closingISO 8601 und RFC3339 dateAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust from cbReceiptMoment of the daily closing receipt
Z_NRNr. of the cashpoint closingIntegerAutomatically created and filled by fiskaltrust
ZAHLART_WAEHCurrencyISO 4217 currency codeAutomatically filled by fiskaltrust
ZAHLART_BETRAG_WAEHAmountDecimal (2)Automatically filled by fiskaltrust