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Proactive actions


After reading this, you can plan proactive actions to avoid problems.

Our products keep several ways to support PosDealers in ensuring the functionality and reliability of their installations. On this page, you will find a concise overview of these options described throughout this documentation.

BackupsBackup the database with the data of your queues.
UpdatesCheck the release notes when you see the message that announces an update. For further steps, read updating to decide if you want to update.
Receipt ArchiveTo store your receipt data in a legally compliant and secure way, you can purchase a product, including a receipt archive.
MonitoringAs a PosOperator, you can check the health status of your CashBoxes in the fiskaltrust.Portal.
LoggingYou can activate logging for the Middleware to collect information about errors directly on your system. You should not exceed a log level of warning as long as you don't try to analyze a specific problem.