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Swissbit Cloud-TSE

Environmental protection

Please note that this TSE places strict requirements on environmental protection (i.e. the operating system used and its configuration). You can find more detailed information in the official documents of the manufacturer in the download area of the fiskaltrust portal.

State of certification

Certification-ID of TSE according to chapter 9.2.2 of Anwendungserlass zu § 146a AO:

Certification-IDTest itemApplicantDate
BSI-K-TR-0474-2021D-TRUST TSE Web Version 3.0D-TRUST GmbH10.12.2021
BSI-K-TR-0457-2021D-TRUST TSE Web Version 2.0D-TRUST GmbH18.02.2021
BSI-K-TR-0369-2020D-TRUST TSE Web Version 1.0D-TRUST GmbH30.09.2020

Certification identification

"BSI-K-TR-0456-2021 [USK ausgesetzt]" ("Environmental protection exposed") is returned for 'ftSignatureType' 0x4445000000000022 (certification identification).

Client registration

The Swissbit Cloud-SCU is limited to a single client registration (only one queue can be registered at the TSE). Possible rollout scenarios are limited to those cases in which exact one queue is operated per SCU.

Signature Creation Unit


from version: 1.3.11

The fiskaltrust.Middleware.SCU.DE.SwissbitCloud-package connects the middleware to a Swissbit Cloud-TSE via the Fiskal Cloud Connector ("FCC") service provided by Swissbit. The FCC can be installed automatically when the SCU package is started for the first time, or an already installed version of the FCC can be used (see Parameter).

from version: 1.3.23

The fiskaltrust.Middleware.SCU.DE.SwissbitCloud-package handles updates for FCC on start and new versions of the FCC are installed automatically when updating the SCU.


NameDescriptionDefault Value
Mandatory Field
FccIdThe ID of the Fiscal Cloud Connector as specified in the FCC portal. It is filled automatically during production via the fiskaltrust portal.mandatory
FccSecretThe secret or password of the Fiscal Cloud Connector, as specified in the FCC portal. It is filled automatically during production via the fiskaltrust portal.mandatory
FccHeapMemoryParameter to configure heap memory using the optional SCU parameter, FccHeapMemory, which allows customization with values such as 256, 512, and 1024 .256
ErsCodeThe PIN code that is used to authenticate the POS-System with the FCC, as specified in the FCC portal. It is filled automatically during production via the fiskaltrust portal.mandatory
ActivationTokenThe token used by the middleware to register clients in the FCC, as specified in the FCC portal. It is filled automatically during production via the fiskaltrust portal.mandatory
FccPortThe port that the middleware uses to communicate with the FCC.20001
FccDirectoryThe directory in which the Fiscal Cloud Connector is stored. If specified, it is first checked whether the FCC is already installed in this directory and an existing version is used. If there is no FCC installation at the specified location or the parameter is not specified, the FCC will be installed automatically.%localappdata%/fiskaltrust/FCC/[FccId]
ProxyServerIf access to the Internet is established via a proxy server: The proxy server's URL or IP address.empty string/no proxy
ProxyPortIf access to the Internet is established via a proxy server: The proxy server's HTTP-port.empty string
ProxyUsernameIf access to the Internet is established via an authenticated proxy server: The proxy server's user name.empty string/no proxy authentication
ProxyPasswordIf access to the Internet is enabled via an authenticated proxy server: The proxy server's password.empty string/no proxy authentication
DontAddFccFirewallExceptionIf this parameter is not set, the SCU automatically tries to create a firewall exception for the FCC when it is started for the first time (admin rights are required). This can be prevented by setting this parameter to true.false
FccDownloadUriIf this parameter is set, the specified web URL is used to download the FCC. If no value is set, the FCC is automatically downloaded from the fiskaltrust servers. This parameter can help if the download from fiskaltrust servers is not possible, e.g. due to a strictly configured firewall.null
EnableTarFileExportin progressnull
MaxFccDownloadTimeSecin progressnull
FccUriThe FccUri parameter is used to specify the base URL for connecting to the FCC. This base URL is only internally needed by the middleware and if the FCCUri parameter isn't set, then the middleware uses a default value. The FCCUri only needs to be modified if the FCC service is hosted in a different environment than the SCU component of the middleware.null
CertificationIdCertification identification of the TSE usednull
DisplayCertificationIdAdditionin progressnull
CertificationIdAdditionin progressnull
ServiceFolderSets folder containing the service files.null
FCCversionIf the currently installed FCC version is lower than this, the Middleware will automatically download and update the newer FCC. This should enable users that have already installed previous versions to profit from the latest improvements in this external dependency.4.0.8
EnableFccMetricsEnables FCC Metricsfalse


ProblemPossible causeSolution
The Fiskal Cloud Connector cannot establish a connection to the InternetThe middleware is not started as administrator.Start the middleware with administrator rights.
The automatic generation of the firewall exception via the parameter described above is deactivated, or a particular firewall is used.An exception rule in the firewall for the java.exe in the subdirectory bin \ jre \ bin of the FccDirectory (see above) (access to fiskal.cloud, port 443) has to be added manually.