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Type of Signature: ftSignatureType

The ftSignatureType indicates the type and origin of the signature. The data type is Int64 and can contain a country-specific code, a value following the ISO-3166-1-ALPHA-2 standard, converted from ASCII into hex and used as byte 8 and 7.

For definitions regarding national laws, please refer to the appropriate appendix.



v - version

version 2

t - Type/Category

0Uncategorized, Normal use (notification)1.3.45
1Information (notification), low priority1.3.45
2Alert (notification), high priority1.3.45
3Failure (notification), high priority1.3.45

gggg - global flags

0001Archiving required.
Signatures marked with this flag are known to be archived related to market specific bookkeeping requirements. In case of offline usage or pure open-source usage, receipts/artefacts having this flag need to be handled as bookkeeping/accounting-relevant item.
0010Printing/Visualization is optional1.3.45
0020Do not print/visualize1.3.45
0040Printed receipt only1.3.45
0080Digital receipt only1.3.45

sss - SignatureCase
