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Function structures

iPOS Interface

Echo Function

There are no special requirements or laws for the French market. In case of the French product ChaîneCloud, there is a special condition when the echo-Function is called with an empty string as a Message, which forces to reinitialize the fiskaltrust.Queue in the fiskaltrust.Middleware. There is an example in our Postman Collection "Echo null"

Sign Function

If fiskaltrust.SecurityMechanism is run in FR (0x4652…) mode, then the sign function meets the BOI-TVA-DECL 30-10-30 requirements.

Journal Function

With this function, a variety of information can be retrieved from a fiskaltrust.SecurityMechanism.

C# call iPos Journal:

Stream stream = proxy.Journal(ftJournalType, 0, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
*Code 18. Call of iPos Journal (FR – BOI-TVA-DECL 30-10-30)*

A list with various possibilities for the request parameter ftJournalType is included in the reference table "Type of Journal: ftJournalType".