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This page lists relevant changes and updates in fiskaltrust's cloud services, on-premise products, and documentation.

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59 posts tagged with "Germany"

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· 2 min read
PosCreator Experience Team

In this version of the Middleware we introduced the force SCU switch flag, chunked export support in the Swissbit TSE, Fixed the reported transaction count in the Fiskaly TSE and improved the SwissbitCloud and DeutscheFiskal startup timeout.

· 3 min read
PosCreator Experience Team

In this version of the Middleware we solved an issue where DSFinV-K exports failed, we have updated the Fiskal Cloud Connector (FCC) to version 4.0.5 and we updated the CertificationId to the newest one. We also updated the script for the mono launcher.

· 2 min read
PosCreator Experience Team

In this version of the Middleware we reworked the way we build the reference trees in our DSFinV-K export to increase its performance in some specific cases. Additionally, we introduced some changes to the handling of specific business cases in our DSFinV-K export, and fixed a format issue that affected fiskaly TSEs and AmadeusVerify. Also we updated the target framework for our Android Launcher.

· 2 min read
PosCreator Experience Team

In this version of the Middleware, we have increased the default fiskaly timeout to enable longer TAR export to be performed successfully, and improved the Arm compatibility of the Swissbit and SQLite packages. Additionally, we have increased the default timeout of the Helipad helper as well as added a new configuration parameter to specify the concurrent upload count of TAR files. Additionally, we have added ARMel support to our SQLite packages. And finally we have created a script which helps generating indexes for MySQL databases used in a bring your own data center environment.

· 3 min read
PosCreator Experience Team

In this version of the Middleware, we have added a SCU parameter to configure the Heap memory of the FCC, we also have added a queue parameter to configure the migrations timeout, we have modified the DSFINV-K export to exclude non pos-receipts lowering memory consumption, we have created some modi for the TAR-Export and we have fixed bugs regarding failing TAR-Export using a Fiskaly SCU and a bug concerning the indexes creation.